Israeli airstrikes near city of Aleppo kills several people, Syrian state media say

travel2024-06-03 23:56:2588639

BEIRUT (AP) — Israeli airstrikes around the Syrian city of Aleppo killed several people early Monday, Syrian state media reported.

The state-run SANA news agency gave no specific toll. It said the strikes were around the southeastern edge of Aleppo.

“The aggression led to a number of martyrs and some material losses,” SANA said.

Israel did not immediately acknowledge the strikes and rarely does when it comes to Syria.

Syria and Israel have been at war since Israel’s founding in 1948. Syria’s President Bashar Assad has been backed by Iran in his country’s yearslong war, and Israeli strikes previously have targeted Iranian positions and equipment.

The strikes also come while Israel is fighting Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Israel separately has been striking targets in Lebanon as well as Hezbollah continues its cross-border fire into the country.

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