Organizations Continue Strengthening Cooperation on Protection of Women's Rights, Interests

travel2024-06-03 23:54:197
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Organizations Continue Strengthening Cooperation on Protection of Women's Rights, Interests

 December 21, 2023

Zhuhai (a city in South China's Guangdong Province) Women's Federation and the Women's General Association of Macao on November 7 held a ceremony, to sign a framework agreement, on the cooperation of protecting women's rights and interests. 

During the ceremony, the federation and the association also announced the establishment of a family mediation exchange and training center, to help strengthen cooperation of family mediation services, and to help improve their work mechanism for protecting women's rights and interests. 

After the ceremony, organizers provided training to family mediators from Zhuhai and Macao, to improve their ability to prevent and resolve family disputes.


(Women of China English Monthly December 2023 issue)


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